Future Thinking for a Thriving Hastings

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I am honoured to serve as your Hastings - Havelock North ward councillor on the Hastings District Council.

Championing a vibrant Hastings - the perfect place to live, work, and enjoy for every generation.

My Top Priorities

Homes for our

Delivering quality homes for our people through strategic intensification and partnerships with central government, local industry and iwi.

Protecting our natural resources

The health of our people and economy relies on the health of our environment. Protecting our fertile growing soils and bringing safe drinking water to our people.

Building a strong

Creating jobs for our people and bringing vibrancy to our community by supporting and growing a diverse and resilient local economy.

Wendy Schollum serving the Hastings community

Chair of District Development

Wendy chairs the Hastings District Council District Development Committee which has oversight of housing, economic development, three waters and transport routes for the Hastings District.

Most notably the District Development committee has overseen the rollout of the Hastings City Revitalisation Plan and the Hastings Place-Based Housing Plan.

In 2019 the Hastings Place-Based Housing Plan was created in response to region-wide housing shortages and the Hastings social housing waitlist increasing from 57 people to over 640 people in just five years. Supported by the District Development Committee, the plan has delivered over 150 homes, in partnership with a range of government, iwi and non-government organisations.

The plan’s goal is to build over 650 new homes. These will be a mix of social and affordable homes, privately-owned homes and papakainga to meet the needs of all families in Hastings.

Certified RMA Commissioner
with a chair endorsement

Wendy achieved her Resource Management Act Commissioner certification in 2018 and gained a chair endorsement (allowing her to chair hearings panels) in 2020.

A commissioner is a person appointed by a council to carry out statutory hearing and decision-making duties on the council’s behalf or to serve as an independent adviser to the council in the making of those statutory decisions. It is a quasi-judicial role requiring an excellent understanding of both the Resource Management Act and the principles of natural justice.

Chair of the Positive Ageing Trust HB

The Positive Ageing Trust Hawke’s Bay is made up of representatives of groups that support and advocate for elderly people in the region. As well as playing an ongoing advocacy role for the elder community, the trust successfully rolled out a “Digital Seniors” programme throughout Hawkes Bay. The programme provides one-to-one, device-specific training for seniors, allowing them to leverage digital technology and remain connected with out-of-region family members.

Wendy Schollum has chaired the trust since 2017.

Youth Council mentor

Wendy Schollum became the Hastings District Youth Council mentor and liaison in 2019.

After the Youth Council made it clear that they wanted to be more involved in policy setting and early-stage project development Wendy knew they needed to have a voice at the Council table.

Hastings District now leads the way in NZ by successfully securing the support of Council for two Youth Councillors to have speaking and debating rights at all Council sub-committee meetings - ensuring the youth voice is baked into every decision Council makes.

Hastings City Business Association Board Advisor

With 18+ years business ownership experience, Wendy has volunteered her time to the Hastings City Business Association and supported local businesses since 2016.

The Hastings City Business Association markets the Hastings CBD and supports local businesses through ongoing promotion, vibrancy initiatives (like the ice skating rink pictured), workshops, networking and business events.

Wendy provides a valuable link between the local business community and decision-making at the Council table.

Chair of the Landmarks Advisory Group

The Landmarks Advisory Group has been promoting excellence in history, landscape, architecture and public art since 2000.

Look around Hastings and you’ll see so much that the Landmarks group has been involved with, including:

  • An upgrade of 100-plus buildings in the centre of Hastings as part of the Façade Enhancement Scheme

  • Enhancing the entranceways into our district

  • Public artworks

  • Colourful garden beds, street trees and hanging baskets

  • New cycling and walking initiatives

Wendy has chaired the Landmarks Advisory group since 2018.

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